Why should Christians be active in supporting the environment?
“Reducing the causes of climate change is essential to the life of faith. It is a way to love our neighbour and to steward the gift of creation.” – Archbishop Justin Welby.
As Christians we are called to love God, our neighbours and our planet. God made the world to be in balance and harmony, but we live in a world which is very far removed from how God intended it to be, with biodiversity loss and the impacts of climate change. Some of the most extreme effects of climate change are being felt in areas lived in by the world's poorest people. The Church of England and the Diocese of Salisbury are working towards becoming net carbon zero by 2030 to reduce our contribution to the cause of climate change. It is an ambitious and complex target, but it is our response commitment to the Biblical call to social and environmental justice. Climate action is one of the key strands of our new diocesan vision, Making Jesus Known.
What can we as individuals do?
As individual Christians, we can play our part at home, at church and by raising our voice to influence decision makers locally and nationally. Young people in particular are leaders in this field, in our churches and in wider society and for churches which don't have a young congregation, taking action and speaking up for climate justice provides a connection to younger people in the community and those who are not currently interested in attending worship. Watch young people from across the UK calling the Church to action in this challenging video.
Find some first steps you can take as church on our Taking the first steps page, including advice about how to sign up to become an Eco-Church.
Join the following Sarum College courses:
Outdoor Worship (17 September)
Environment, Art, Theology & Action (18 September)
The Lost Art of Foraging (21 September)
Ecological Crisis, Trauma and Theology (5 November)
Watch a video below of a benefice within our diocese which celebrated all 6 churches getting a Bronze Eco Church Award in 2024!
Find out about plans and progress towards carbon net zero by 2030.
Watch the video below about the work being done at St Martin's in the Walls and the wider Wareham team on their steps towards sustainability and environmental action, both inside their churches and outside.