We believe that every follower of Jesus is called to serve and as such we all have our own unique gifts, skills, talents and passions. As we respond to God’s call on our lives we bring all that we are, and have the potential to be, to be used for God’s glory.
There are many ways in which people serve our parishes and beyond, these may be paid, voluntary, lay or ordained. The pages in this section describe many of those ministries, which may help you discern whether there is a particular type of role you feel called to. If you’re already in one of the roles, you’ll find support, useful information, resources, documents to help you.
Clergy HR
Clergy support
Lay ministry
Ministerial development
Ordained ministry
Contact the Ministry Team
The Revd Canon Jonathan TriffittDirector of Mission, Ministry and Communication (MMC) and Deputy Diocesan Secretary |