As consumers, we have a powerful voice to encourage businesses and decision makers to change their policies and ways of working to improve their environmental outcomes. Raising our voice to support the climate and care of creation is one of the Diocese of Salisbury's priorities as a diocese.
Many churches across Dorset, Wiltshire and the Channel Islands are also taking significant action to care for creation.
Be inspired by what is already happening in our diocese!
"The Sherborne Deanery Eco Group formed as a group in October, inspired by the Diocesan vision 'Championing Climate Justice' and the Diocesan Net Zero Carbon Action Plan (with thanks too for an IME course with David Morgan and Revd Mike Perry).
"Called to focus on horizons not hurdles, we are rooted in the Diocesan vision, and the fifth mark of mission, seeking to serve the Church becoming Net Zero.
Initial steps have included group reflection on theological principles, every church in our deanery becoming an eco church, and creating an initial news bulletin, 'From Our Eco Correspondent', through which we will share news across the deanery and locally in our parishes."
"We have a community-led service every month and much of what we do and say is relevant to eco issues."
"We have set up a Churches Together Eco Group so churches across the denominations can help each other to work towards their eco awards."
"The church I used to be vicar of had a south-facing roof, panels were installed funded by individuals in the community, with monetary benefits coming to them. (and cheap electric to the church as well)"
Watch a video here about the work underway in churches in Wareham.
Do you have a story to share of your work in caring for creation? Email the comms team.