An introduction to the work of the Salisbury Diocesan Board of Education Buildings and Finance Team.
We are here to support and help headteachers, governing bodies and school teams to deliver the best possible teaching and learning environments for all children and young people, across the church school estate.
The key areas where we can provide advice and support are:
- Voluntary aided school estate – administration of capital funding.
- Land and Trust matters (see below)
- Supporting and helping to deliver the Church of England net zero roadmap

Land and Trust matters
Please contact us if you require any advice, guidance or need a general conversation regarding (but not limited to):
- Land ownership
- Land transfers
- Land Registry matters
- Leases, Licences, Wayleave, Section 106 Agreements
- Property or Land purchases or disposals
We are also able to instruct agents on your behalf.
Main contacts for further support
Olivia EvansSchools Estate Manager |
Sue ToppThe Buildings & Finance Assistant |