

Weddings are a wonderful and celebratory time in the life of the church, so much so that the Church of England commissioned a large scale, independent report to understand more about why people choose church weddings – and why they don’t. 

These simple, good value and practical ideas on the Church Support Hub can help you build your weddings ministry. 





Seven key moments

The ‘seven key moments’ that matter for mission are: 

First contact – tips for a warm welcome when a couple first gets in touch with you. 

The first meeting – why offering a friendly way to collect their details matters. 

Space to think – couples value time to think about the vows and the difference they will make. Read about why this is mission opportunity. 

Keeping in touch and the banns – commercial wedding suppliers will do this, and so should the church. 

The Big Day – making the wedding day beautiful, spiritual, meaningful and special. 

Happy returns – why keeping in touch around anniversaries is so important. 

Blessings and Thanksgivings – couples in your parish don’t need to get married at your church to have an experience God’s love as part of their celebration of marriage. Find out how. 

Ultimately, remember that all those you encounter—whether they are beginning to plan their weddings or have been married for years—have the potential to become a part of God’s church and experience the love of God and God’s people. 

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