There are a lot of resources and ideas to help you create a welcoming community for all ages.
The following points can be useful as you think about your goals and how they'll fit with the life of your church.
Where does the church family already have connection with children and families and where are the gaps?
What do you already do well?
What do members of the congregation have skills and enthusiasm for?
What are the needs of your community, how can you listen to children and young people to find these out? How might you be able to meet them? Could you work in partnership with the local school to identify needs and work together on community projects?
Who else can you work with? Existing community groups, other churches, charities, institutions.
How will any plans or ideas fit in with your overall vision as a church?
We are called to build deep connections with children and young people. Growing Faith from the Church of England helps us do this by helping us think about their worlds in the three spheres of Church, School and Household.
Thinking about how we can develop faith and spiritual exploration in the home is another key area to consider. Find out more via Faith In The Nexus (
As you begin and develop your ministry among children and young people it is vital it is underpinned by good safeguarding. For further information visit the safeguarding pages.
For further information on how to involve children with additional needs in your ministry, click here.
One way to inspire children and young people to explore faith is to help them discover how to pray. Explore some creative ideas for praying together, at school, in church, or at home with Prayer Spaces in School.