This page will be updated in January 2025, contact with any questions.
Every year, we support parishes with submitting data to the National Church Research and Statistics department: Statistics for Mission, Finance Statistics, and the Energy Footprint. This data is usually collected and submitted by either churchwardens, PCC secretaries/treasurers, parish administrators or clergy. If you would like to know more about how this data is used, see here.
The Data Services Unit uses your information to provide parish-level information, an interactive Church of England Parish Map (and user guide!) and uses this look at Church Attendance, Parish Finances, Ministry, Cathedral attendance and College chapel attendance.
Data is entered onto the Parish Returns website. Individuals should each have their own log in, if you have not used the system before, please contact Parish Support team to get set up with a log in. The Parish Returns website will allow you to save data and to return later to enter additional data / complete your return. Here is a user guide for support with the system.
Here are copies of the forms which can be useful when gathering your data. If you would struggle with submitting the data online, you can send a completed paper form to the Parish Support team at or at the Diocesan office. The forms do change slightly each year but will give you a rough guide for the data you need to collect for the following year.
Useful Forms:
Mission Statistics (Word doc)
Finance Statistics
Energy Footprint (to come)