Diocesan Synod June 2022

There has been no time to spare for Bishop Stephen, in his first week carrying out duties in Salisbury Diocese. 

Two days after his inauguration, he made a visit to Wilton Primary School to bless their new play area, and on the same day, Diocesan Synod gathered with Bishop Stephen at the helm for the first time.  

The evening kicked off with a standing ovation for Bishop Karen, for leading the diocese during the vacancy. Nigel Salisbury, Chair of the DBF also expressed his thanks to Bishop Karen for her extraordinary service. There was a second standing ovation later in the meeting when Bishop Karen and the Diocesan Secretary David Pain expressed their thanks to Nigel Salisbury as he steps down as Chair of the DBF.

Director of Finance, Liz Ashmead gave an overview of diocesan finances as Synod received the Trustees’ Report and Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ending 31 December 2021.  Archdeacon Penny, gave Synod an update on the progress being made towards fulfilling our commitment to #netzero, highlighting work in gather data, engaging in national surveys, and building collaborations all of which is helping to deepen our understanding and shaping our response to challenges and opportunities provided by #netzero.

Highlighting the work of the St Aldhelm Mission Fund, Bishop Karen spoke of how the fund has awarded £860K over the last 17 years, all of which has gone to support the local church engage in local mission.  Bishop Karen’s presentation also included a short video, with stories from across the diocese of how the fund has supported local projects.

Members of Synod were sent home with a blessing from Bishop Stephen, and with a copy of the annual review, which in short is the story of the Diocese over the last year. Inside its pages are stories of progress, renewal, and  collaborations, during a challenging time. 

Director of Mission and Ministry, the Revd Canon Jonathan Triffitt managed to catch a few synod members' thoughts as the evening came to a close. The Revd Jo Neary said, with a smile: 

"My takeaway from Synod tonight is hope. Hope in the future, hope in the Kingdom coming now, and hope in investing in future mission with the Aldhelm Fund. So, apply folks! We need more projects." 

The Revd Jo Haine said: 

"The thing I'm taking away is that we're looking to God, and saying where are you leading us? We're thinking Thy Kingdom come here and now, and how do we take that back to the parishes all across the diocese." 

Neil Biles said: 

"Firstly, it was a really good atmosphere. There was a sense of excitement, there was a sense of looking into the future. We stand with a good balance sheet – that doesn't mean that we have pots of money to spend – but we're in a positive position. So, there's hope, and there's opportunity." 

It is clear that 'Your Kingdom come, here and now', is the beginning of establishing a new vision for the diocese in this new season.

The Synod report will be available on the website in due course. 

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