Cycle of Prayer 15-21 April

Reading this week's prayers is Evie Ford. Evie is the Children and Families Lead at St Nicholas Church in Corfe Mullen. She has a huge heart for families growing in faith and believes we can all be a little bit more childlike in our relationship with God.

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

Read March-April's Prayers

15 April


Thank you for the Bourne Valley, Alderbury Deanery and its Clergy: Peter Ostli-East, David Perry, David Coates, Stephen Robbins, Philip Seddon, Stephen Tucker, Martin Webster. Licensed Lay Ministers with Permission to officiate: Anthea Davies, Christopher Watts. 

As the Annual Meetings & APCMs are held, we pray for those who have served faithfully for many years as Churchwardens, PCC officers and members, and Deanery Synod representatives, and we ask that God would raise up new leaders, to sustain the life and ministry of His church in that place. 

Thank you for 

Winterbourne Earls CE VC Primary School 

Porton St Nicholas CE VA Primary School 

 Newton Tony CE VC Primary School


16 April

Our Lord and our God, 

We pray for Clarendon, Alderbury Deanery and its Clergy: Simon Chambers, Jane Dunlop, Lisa Rodrigues. Licensed Lay Minister: Sharon Grant. Licensed Lay Ministers with Permission to officiate: Michael Barratt, Debbie McIsaac. 

We pray during the time of vacancy before the appointment of the Team Vicar within the Ministry Team. We give thanks for the 500 children who worship in the deanery’s four schools, and the links with them through governors and collective worship. 

We pray the churches may continue to serve their communities. 

Thank you for the staff and students of 

Pickwick Academy Trust 

Whiteparish All Saints CE VA Primary School


17 April

Creator of all, 

Thank you for Forest & Avon, Alderbury Deanery and its Clergy: David Bacon, Veronica Batchelor. 

We pray for the deanery during this season of Annual Meetings. 

We give thanks for those who serve faithfully in these roles, for PCC Members and for the Team Council as they seek to serve the Risen Christ and make Him known. 

We pray your blessing upon 

Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls Academy

The New Forest CE VA Primary School 

 Downton CE VA Primary School 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: we pray for the Rt Revd Michael Deng K Bol, Bishop of Abyei in South Sudan.


18 April

Our Lord,

Thank you for the Diocesan Board of Education Officers, Advisers and trustees, and the Diocesan Children & Young People’s Team. We pray for all schools, teachers and headteachers, and for all who help towards facilitating this incredibly important work.


19 April

Father God, 

Thank you for Stonehenge Deanery Rural Dean: Gale Hunt. Assistant Rural Dean: Jonathan Plows. Lay Chair: Sarah Gooch. 

We give thanks for all who minister and serve, lay and ordained, and all that they bring to the life of the Deanery. We pray for the mission and ministry across the deanery as they explore new ways of working. We pray for the Deanery Lay Worship Leader Day taking place tomorrow and give thanks for their ministry.


20 April

Dear Lord, 

We pray for Amesbury, Stonehenge Deanery. 

We give thanks for the many opportunities being presented whilst the parish is in vacancy. We pray for those working on recruitment and give thanks for all the support during this time. 

We pray for Amesbury CE VC Primary School


21 April

On today, the Fourth Sunday of Easter 

We pray your blessing upon Woodford Valley with Archers Gate, Stonehenge Deanery and its Clergy: Michael Perry, Patricia Powell. Licensed Lay Minister: Hugh Keatingue. Lay Worship Leader: Suzanne Waters. 

We pray for Dr Elizabeth Perry, parishioner and a Director of the Anglican Alliance as she leads courses and visits Anglican partners in Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Australia and Trinidad. 

Thank you for all those who attend: Woodford Valley CE Primary Academy 

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia


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