Cycle of Prayer: 20-26 May

Reading this week's prayers is Kate Edwards:
‘My name is Kate and I am a wife, mother, grandmother and Ordinand hoping to become a Deacon at All Saints Church in Poole, Dorset where I have been actively involved and worshipped for thirty years. I have worked in broadcasting; been a teacher and a student of God. I fell in love with Jesus at the age of eight and He has been a dynamic presence in my life ever since’.

Read May-June's Prayers

Listen to our prayers: @DioSalisbury

20 May 

Father God, 

Thank you for Cannings & Redhorn, Devizes Deanery and its Clergy: Richard Curtis, Sam Park, Robert Sanday, Liz Bailey, Chris Burdon, George Royle, Frank Scammell. Lay Worship Leaders: Elizabeth Greed, Ian Smith, Pauline Smith. LPAs: Yvonne Morris, Christine Todd. Benefice Administrator: Helen Rawlings. 

We give thanks for the arrival of Robert Sanday as the new House for Duty priest. We are looking forward to all of the opportunities that Sam and Robert in the team will bring. We give thanks for all achieved so far and  all to come and we pray for all those who will join at the exciting point in the life of the benefice. 

Thank you for: 

Urchfont CE VC Primary School 

Chirton CE VC Primary School 

Bishops Cannings CE VA Primary School 

All Cannings CE VC Primary School 


21 May 

Our Lord and our God, 

Thank you for Wellsprings, Devizes Deanery and its Clergy: Gerry Lynch, Caroline O’Neill. Licensed Lay Minister: Elisabeth Starling. Licensed Lay Minister Emeritus: Brian James. 

We pray for: 

  • the pilgrimage to Wells on 29 May 

  • new leaders for Messy Church 

We give thanks for the continuation in services in all five churches every Sunday, for the goodwill towards the Church and for the shoots of new faith we are seeing. 

Thank you for the staff and students of: 

Five Lanes CE VC Primary School 

Seend CE VA Primary School 


22 May 


We thank you for all staff, residents and volunteers at HMP Erlestoke 

In particular, Anglican Chaplain: Steve Ibbetson. LPA: Shirley Daniels. 

In our prayers for Episcopal Churches in South Sudan and Sudan: We pray for the Rt Revd Rt Revd Data Amosa Elinama, Bishop of Morobo in South Sudan. 


23 May 

Creator God, 

Thank you for all Religious and Lay communities in the diocese 

We pray for the Society of St Francis at Hilfield, Pilsdon Community, St Benedict’s Priory, Salisbury and Othona Community. 


24 May 


We pray for Bradford Deanery and its Rural Dean: Jane Palmer. Assistant Rural Dean: Allan Coutts. Lay Chair: John Joy. 

We give thanks for the life of Bradford Deanery in its varied Churches and communities. We pray you help us to work together to build the Kingdom of God. We pray your blessing on the Kadugli link and protect their people in a time of great conflict and humanitarian crisis. May we all bless and help them in their time of need. 


25 May 


We pray your blessing upon Atworth with Shaw and Whitley, Bradford Deanery and its Clergy: Jane Palmer, Liz Gifford. Licensed Lay Ministers: Keith Hamilton, Mike Sarson Rowe. 

We give thanks for the joint Parish and the collaborative opportunities this has raised. We ask God to bless the newly reordered Church in Shaw to become a community space.  Please Bless the schools and nurseries, local business and every home that all may now the love of God in Christ Jesus, specficially: 

Shaw CE VC Primary School 

Churchfields The Village School 


26 May – On today, Trinity Sunday 

Thank you for Broughton Gifford, Great Chalfield and Holt St Katharine, Bradford Deanery and its Clergy: Andrew Evans, Ruth Mecredy. Licensed Lay Ministers: Rachel Firth, Anthony Matthew, Marilyn Stubbs. Youth and Childrens worker: Harvey Bennett. 

We pray for the development of our ministry to young families, Tiny Tots for toddlers and babies, SKY, St Katharine's Youth for teenagers and Children's Worship and Outdoor Church for children. 

Thank you for Holt CE VC Primary School 

Broughton Gifford St Mary's CE VC Primary School 

In our Anglican Cycle of Prayer: We pray for The Church of the Province of Central Africa 


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