News and Media

Follow the Star: The Great Invitation

This year’s national Church of England Christmas video tells the story of a life supported by the local church. It follows one woman through many Christmases throughout her life – from her first starring role as the baby Jesus in the village nativity play, to childhood and teenage years, joining church youth groups, getting married, parenthood and facing bereavement.

From Darkness to Light

Over 4,000 people attended three spectacular Advent Processions, titled ‘From Darkness to Light’, at Salisbury Cathedral last weekend. You can read Bishop Stephen and Dean Nick's addresses here.

Life-sized Advent Calendar

For the first time ever, the town of Devizes in Wiltshire will be hosting the ‘Devizes Adventure’ - a community event set to bring the town together through a giant interactive Advent Calendar that starts on 1 December. 

End of an era: Canon Joy Tubbs MBE to retire 

Joy Tubbs MBE, Director of Education, has shared the news that she will be retiring at the end of April 2023. 

A personal thank you from Bishop Stephen: £10 challenge #SalisburysGotTalent

When Bishop Stephen gave away £10 shares of £10,000 during his welcome service earlier this year, he gave it away with a mission “that we can invest what we have for the good of God's Kingdom.” From our early estimates, this original gift has more than doubled, growing by a further £11,740 and being shared with good causes around the diocese and the world. Thank you for your generosity and faithfulness!

New Advent prayer launched for time of uncertainty and challenge

This Advent, Bishop Stephen has asked everyone in the diocese to pray together a simple prayer, suitable for homes and church congregations. A version has also been written for use in collective worship in schools.

Lunchtime Prayer Club

Beechcroft, St Paul’s CE Primary School, started their Prayer Club this time last year when Project Touchline, an organisation that works at promoting Christian values through sport, finished at the school and a group of children still wanted to continue.  

Christ Church receives over £239,000 in National Lottery Funding

Christ Church in Bradford-on-Avon has been rejoicing this month after being awarded a £239,761 grant from The National Lottery Heritage Fund towards the exploration, restoration, and celebration of the heritage of this nationally recognised Victorian church. 

16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence

The Diocese of Salisbury Mothers’ Union and Soroptimist International of Salisbury have teamed up as part of the UN’s annual #Orangetheworld 16 Days of Activism on Violence Against Women.  

Archdeaconry day was 'encouraging and uplifting'

The last archdeaconry day was a chance for clergy to hear from Bishop Stephen about his hopes for the diocese..

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