Ordinations 2023: a joyful welcome to our new deacons and priests
A wonderful weekend ordaining deacons and priests to serve God across Wiltshire and Dorset
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A wonderful weekend ordaining deacons and priests to serve God across Wiltshire and Dorset
Canon Tony Monds has served as Bishop’s Chaplain to Bishop Nick for seven years and seen Bishop Stephen through his first twelve months. Tony retires this coming week after the ordinations. The Revd Sarah Wood Roe has been appointed Bishop’s Chaplain from 4 September.
Over in the seaside town of Weymouth, Neil Biles serves as the Town Centre Chaplain for St Mary’s Church, and Making Jesus Known is at the very heart of what he does there.
By the end of this week, the Diocesan Board of Finance will have moved out of Church House. We have had many years of successful working from Church House, and Bishop Stephen blessed it in April as we prepared for the move with some current and past employees in attendance.
Last Sunday the long-running Sudan Fete returned to the home of Bishop Stephen and Carol and hundreds came to enjoy the traditional fundraising for the Sudan Medical Link.
This week, Westbury Leigh Church of England Primary School has been learning about the importance of healthy eating as part of a national 'Healthy Schools week' initiative to promote healthy eating. The school has embraced the theme of ‘everyone together’ by devising a menu featuring favourite dishes from across the world, showcasing the many cultures within the school.
The deadline for entering your parish data in the national Energy Footprint Tool (EFT) is approaching fast. Parishes have until 31 July to enter their energy data from 2022.
12 deacons to be priested for the diocese this Petertide. We spoke to the current deacons to find out what they learnt during their curacy, what surprised them the most, and if they had any advice for those looking into ordained ministry.
Former King’s Singer, choral director and composer, Jeremy Jackman, returns to Dorset this August to lead the choir Laudemus, showcasing music for the service of Evensong between 15–19 August 2023.
The Ven Dr Sue Groom, Archdeacon of Wilts, dubbed Aquadeacon by Grapevine because of her passion for swimming, is using her love for the sport to raise more funds for Aspire, the spinal injuries charity.