News and Media

Wiltshire Ride and Striders

The award for the winning Wiltshire Ride and Stride 2022 team was handed out this month to the group who made the biggest contribution to the event. 

24-hours of Prayer for Weymouth and Portland

On 20 January, at 6pm, Revd Tom Coopey, Vicar of St Mary's Church, stood before his congregation, saying: "God invites all of us, whoever we are, to connect with him in prayer."   This was the message for the next 24 hours as Christians from Weymouth and Portland took part in an entire days' worth of continuous prayer and contemplation.  On 20 January, at 6pm, Revd Tom Coopey, Vicar of St Mary's Church, stood before his congregation, saying: "God invites all of us, whoever we are, to connect with him in prayer." This was the message for the next 24 hours as Christians from Weymouth and Portland took part in an entire days' worth of continuous prayer and contemplation. 

Celebration of Lay Ministry: Every Day, Everywhere!

The Lay Ministry Celebration planned for 29 April at the Cathedral has been cancelled. As the number of commissioned ministers has grown and there is a new desire to celebrate the ministry of the whole people of God we are rethinking how we can give thanks to God for all God’s gifts. Read more about our thinking behind this here.

Low-cost, low-carbon heating infrastructure in St Mary's Beaminster

St Mary's Beaminster have recently implemented wide-reaching changes to their Grade I-listed church building with a view to cutting its fossil fuel reliance.

Pride & Prejudice

Written by Simon Bees from St Nicholas North Bradley & St Thomas Southwick and a part of the Support Team to, Revd Jonathan Herbert, the diocesan Chaplain to Gypsies and Travellers. 

Wilton Primary School and St Peter’s, Salisbury receive glowing Ofsted reviews

‘A school transformed’ – that’s how Ofsted inspectors have described Wilton CE Primary School near Salisbury, after visiting the school in November. Ofsted also praised St Peter’s: An ambitious new school ‘at the heart of the community’. Read more here.

New Co-ordinator for PipeUp

The Diocese of Salisbury is delighted to welcome Samuel Bristow as Co-ordinator for PipeUp, overseeing the innovative scholarship scheme enabling organ education throughout the diocese. 

Ad clerum | Living in Love and Faith

The three bishops have sent a pastoral letter to all clergy in response to the Church of England Living in Love and Faith process. This can be found here. In addition to this, Bishop Stephen has shared a video sharing his thoughts. In it he commented “we need to be listening carefully to each other and allowing each other to flourish that's what Christ taught us when he told us to love one another”.

New Wine Discipleship Year

William Triffitt, Ops & Ministry Support at SML Poole, leads on the churches Discipleship Year for young people. William and SML's two students attended the New Wine Discipleship Year weekend conference this past weekend. Will shares their experience in this extract...

How we did it!  Bell restoration at Barford St Martin

Below is a list drawn up in 2021 of likely sources of grants for the restoration of our 6 church bells. The project included 2 bells being recast, all 6 tuned to perfection and rehung in new headstocks, bearings and wheels. The existing steel bell frame was repainted by the bell ringers and an additional cross beam installed beneath the bell frame, with associated stonework. The new ropes were not coverable by bell grants it seems. 

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